The project brings together experts in control theory, game theory, information theory, economics and opinion dynamics:
Partner 1- CRAN:
Irinel Constantin Morarescu - Full professor at University of Lorraine
Samson Lasaulce - Senior researcher at CNRS
Vineeth Satheskumar Varma - researcher at CNRS
Jérôme Lohéac - researcher at CNRS
Bouchra Mroue - Ph.D. student
Partner 2 - L2S:
Antoine Berthet - Professor at Paris-Saclay University
Antoine Girard - Senior researcher at CNRS
Partner 3- BETA:
Mehdi Ayouni - Assistent professor at University of Lorraine
Thomas Lanzi - Assistent professor at University of Lorraine
Partner 4 - LIA:
Yezekael Hayel - Associate professor at University of Avignon
Pierre-Henri Morand - Full professor at University of Avignon
Emmanuel Kravitzch - Ph.D. student