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  1. O. Lindamoulage De Silva, S. Lasaulce, I.-C. Morãrescu - On the efficiency of decentralized epidemic management and application to Covid-19.  IEEE L-CSS, Vol. 6, pp. 884-889, 2021.⟨hal-03257751

  2. E. S. Tognetti, T. R. Calliero, I.-C. Morãrescu, J. Daafouz - Synchronization via output feedback for multi-agent singularly perturbed systems with guaranteed cost. Automatica, Vol. 128, 109549,2021. ⟨hal-03154852

  3. S. Lasaulce, C. Zhang, V.S. Varma, I.-C. Morãrescu - Analysis of the tradeoff between health and economic impacts of the Covid-19 epidemic. Frontiers in Public Health, Vol. 9, 620770, 2021. ⟨hal-03154840

  4. W. Yang, Y.-W. Wang,, I.-C. Morãrescu, J. Daafouz- Exponential stability of singularly perturbed systems with mixed impulses. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, Vol. 40, 101023, 2021. ⟨hal-03154865

  5. Emmanuel Kravitzch, Pierre-Henri Morand, Yezekael Hayel. ProPac model: opinion-action dynamics over online social networks. Complex Networks and Applications 2021, Nov 2021, Madrid, Spain. ⟨hal-03425924⟩

  6. Vineeth Varma, Jomphop Veetaseveera, Romain Postoyan, Irinel-Constantin Morãrescu. Distributed gradient methods to reach a Nash equilibrium in potential games. 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2021, Dec 2021, Austin, United States. ⟨hal-03436820

  7. Bikash Adhikari, Jomphop Veetaseveera, Vineeth Varma, Irinel-Constantin Morãrescu, Elena Panteley. Computationally efficient guaranteed cost control design for clustered networks. 2022. ⟨hal-03594634

  8. Emmanuel Kravitzch, Yezekael Hayel, Vineeth Varma, Antoine Berthet. Stability analysis of a socially inspired adaptive voter model. 2022. ⟨hal-03608386

  9. Daniel Alkhorshid, Eduardo Tognetti, Irinel-Constantin Morãrescu. A bilinear systems approach with input saturation to control the agreement value of multi-agent systems. European Control Conference 2022, Jul 2022, Londre, United Kingdom.⟨hal-03626388

  10. Sebin Gracy, Irinel-Constantin Morãrescu, Vineeth Satheeskumar Varma, Philip Paré. Analysis and On/Off Lockdown Control for Time-Varying SIS Epidemics with a Shared Resource. European Control Conference 2022, Jul 2022, Londre, United Kingdom.⟨hal-03626377

  11. O. Lindamoulage De Silva, S. Lasaulce, I.C. Morarescu, V.S. Varma, A game theory analysis of decentralized epidemic management with opinion dynamics.  IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, to appear. (hal-04664763v1 )

  12. D. R. Alkhorshid, E. S. Tognetti, I.C. Morarescu, Saturated control of consensus value under energy and state constraints in multi-agent systems. Automatica, to appear. (hal-04675090⟩)

  13. P. Sinha, I.C. Morarescu, S. Sukumar, Set input-to-state stability for nonlinear time delay systems with disturbances. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, to appear. (hal-04675160⟩)

  14. B. Danhane, J, Lohéac, Ensemble controllability of parabolic type equations, Systems and Control Letters, 2024, 183, pp.105683. (hal-04174446v2 )

  15. B. Adhikari, J. Veetaseveera, V.S. Varma, I.C. Morarescu, E. Panteley, Computationally efficient guaranteed cost control design for homogeneous clustered networks.
    Automatica, Vol. 163, 111588, 2024. (hal-03594634v1)

  16. B. Danhane, J, Lohéac, M. Jungers, Conditions for uniform ensemble output controllability, and obstruction to uniform ensemble controllability, Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 2024, 14 (3), pp.1128-1175. (hal-03824645v2 )

  17. H. Oza, I.-C. Morarescu, V.S. Varma, R. Banavar, Optimal switching for networked control systems with information multiplexing. IFAC Journal on Systems and Control, Vol.28, 100263, 2024. (hal-04577301v1 )

  18. Y. Lei, Y.-W. Wang, X.K. Liu, I.C. Morarescu, Semi-global bounded output regulation of linear two-time-scale systems with input saturation. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Vol. 70, No. 11, 4560 - 4569, 2023.  (hal-04189761v1 )

  19. I. Lal, I.-C. Morarescu, J. Daafouz, L. Busoniu, Optimistic planning for control of hybrid-input nonlinear systems. Automatica, Vol. 154, 111097, 2023. (hal-04103780v1)

  20. O. Lindamoulage De Silva, V.S. Varma, M. Cao, I.-C. Morarescu, S. Lasaulce, A Stackelberg viral marketing design for two competing players
    IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol.7, 2922-2927, 2023. (hal-04150375v1)

  21. V.S. Varma, R. Postoyan, D. E. Quevedo, I.C. Morarescu, Event-triggered transmission policies for nonlinear control systems over erasure channels. IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol.7, 2113-2118, 2023. (hal-03873907v1)

  22. I. Lal, I.C. Morarescu, J. Daafouz, L. Busoniu, Near-optimal control of nonlinear systems with hybrid inputs and dwell-time constraints. IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol.7, 2455-2460, 2023. (hal-04154576v1)

  23. B. Colle, J. Lohéac, T. Takahashi, Controllability results for a cross diffusion system with a free boundary by a flatness approach, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 2023, 187, pp.14. (hal-03969875v2)

  24. V.S. Varma, R. Postoyan, D. E. Quevedo, I.C. Morarescu, Transmission power policies for energy-efficient wireless control of nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 68, No. 6, 3362-2276, 2023. ( hal-03708462v1)

  25. J. Loheac, V.S. Varma, I.C. Morarescu,Time optimal control for a mobile robot with a communication objective. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 7, 67-72, 2022. (hal-02353582v2 )

  26. V.S. Varma, Y.Hayel, I.C. Morarescu, A non-cooperative resource utilization game between two competing malware, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023, 7, pp. 67-72. (hal-03708477v1 )

  27.  E.Kravitzch, Y.Hayel, V.S. Varma, A.O. Berthet, Analysis of a continuous-time voter model. Physical Review E, 2023, 107(5), pp.054307. (hal-04168360v1 )

  28. E.Kravitzch, Y.Hayel, V.S. Varma, A.O. Berthet, Stability analysis of a socially inspired adaptive voter model. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023, 7, pp. 175-180. (hal-03608386v1)

  29. Desmarchelier, D. and Lanzi, T. (2023). Opinion dynamics and political persuasion.
    Revue d'economie Politique, 336(6):907 - 924, 2023. ( hal-04711036)

  30. Ayouni, M. and Lanzi, T. (2024). Les plateformes juridiques en ligne et l'acces au
    droit. Accepted for publication in Revue Francaise d'economie. ( hal-04709980)

  31. B. Mroue, A Couthures, S Lasaulce, I.C. Morarescu, Une approche par la théorie des jeux du problème du choix des niveaux nationaux d'émissions de CO2. XXIXeme Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images, GRETSI 2023 (hal-04216596v1)

  32. O. Lindamoulage De Silva, S Lasaulce, I.C. Morarescu- Étude de l'efficacité de la gestion décentralisée d'une épidémie et application au Covid-19. XXVIIIeme Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images, GRETSI 2022. (hal-03919830v1 )

  33. A. Couthures, T. Mongaillard, V.S. Varma, S. Lasaulce, I.C. Morarescu, Analysis of a continuous opinion and discrete action dynamics model coupled with an external observation dynamics. European Control Conference, ECC 2024, Stocholm, Sweden. (hal-04612349v1 )

  34. A. Couthures, V.S. Varma, S. Lasaulce, I.C. Morarescu, Analysis of a continuous opinion and discrete action dynamics model coupled with an external observation dynamics. 7th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, 2024. (Preprint)

  35. M. Ayouni, T. Lanzi, Credence goods, consumer feedback and (in)eciency. R&R
    Journal of Industrial Economics (hal-03740494v1)

  36. B. Mroue, A Couthures, S Lasaulce, I.C. Morarescu, A Quadratic Static Game Model for Assessing the Impact of Climate Change. International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, 383-394, 2024. (hal-04273197v1 )


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